Yes, I’m serious. After living with MS over 35 years I thought I knew everything about natural and holistic ways to heal. Especially all things chiropractic, however, I was wrong and frankly; this blew my mind! I only learned about “THIS” 6 years ago although it’s been around for decades.

I’m talking about Atlas Orthogonal?

“Our Atlas” refers to the Atlas vertebra, the first cervical vertebra (C1) located at the top of the spine that supports the head. Atlas Orthogonal (AO) is a chiropractic technique that aims to correct misalignments of the Atlas vertebra using a gentle and precise adjustment method.

The best description I can give you to understand what the Atlas does is to take your thumb and index finger and put them together (that’s about the size of our atlas) now Imagine your head sitting on that. The average weight of a human head is 10-11 lbs. So, you can picture that heavy weight on the atlas and if the atlas is off or shifts in the slightest you will have many physical symptoms and some very serious health problems.

Symptoms of Atlas Misalignment:  Numbness, tingling, neck stiffness, migraines, headaches, dizziness, facial pain, vertigo, ringing in ears, jaw pain, shoulder pain, ankle, hip, knee pain, vagus nerve issues, gait issues, high blood pressure, brain congestion.  See how many of these symptoms mimic MS symptoms?

Atlas Orthogonal can only be performed by chiropractors who have received specialized training in the technique. The Atlas Orthogonal technique uses a percussion instrument to gently adjust the Atlas vertebra without the need for manual manipulation of the neck.

Atlas Orthogonal adjustments have been shown to help improve the quality of life for people with MS.

There are various types of Atlas adjustments, including the traditional manual adjustment, the Atlas Orthogonal technique, and the NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) technique. However, Atlas Orthogonal is a unique technique that is specifically designed to correct Atlas misalignments. I do prefer the AO technique as it has given the most benefit to myself, my family and many of my friends with MS.

10 ways that Atlas Orthogonal can help people with MS:

  1. Reduce pain: Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help alleviate pain in the neck, back, and other areas of the body that may be affected by MS.
  2. Improve posture: Misalignments of the Atlas vertebra can cause poor posture, which can exacerbate MS symptoms. Correcting Atlas misalignments can help improve posture and reduce symptoms.
  3. Increase range of motion: Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help increase range of motion and flexibility, making it easier to walk, move and perform daily activities.
  4. Improve balance: MS can cause balance problems, but correcting Atlas misalignments can help improve balance and reduce falls. (I have personally witnessed PwMS go in for an adjustment while they used a cane or a walker and walk out normally, unassisted)
  5. Boost immune function: Atlas Orthogonal adjustments have been shown to boost immune function, which can help reduce the severity of MS symptoms.
  6. Enhance nerve function: Misalignments of the Atlas vertebra can interfere with nerve function, but Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help improve nerve function and reduce MS symptoms, such as numbness, tingling, burning sensation.
  7. Reduce inflammation: Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help reduce inflammation in the body, which we know plays a role in the development and progression of MS.
  8. Reduce stress: Chronic stress can worsen MS symptoms, but Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.
  9. Improve sleep: MS can disrupt sleep (unfortunately, this is a big challenge with MS), but Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help improve sleep quality and duration.
  10. Support whole body healing: Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help support overall health and well-being, which is vital for managing MS and reducing symptoms. When our spine is in alignment our bodily systems, joints and spine can work naturally without undue stress. When your atlas is in alignment, cerebral spinal fluid will increase and help the blood flow around the brain which is key for detoxing.

After reading all of this great information, do you believe that Atlas Orthogonal is the key to beating MS? Whatever you believe, there has to be no doubt about the amazing, life-changing benefits it can give. It should definitely be a part of everyone’s healing journey!

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If you want to learn about my over 30 year journey living with and beating MS check out my book. Waking Up from MS – My Journey to Health, Healing and Living Symptom Free

To our health!


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