My Multiple Sclerosis Story…

The Reason Behind my Journey to helping others with MS and Waking Up From MS!

my ms storyI was diagnosed with RRMS at 17 years old when I was a senior in high school. I had Optic Neuritis, loss of balance, pain and numbness in my limbs and extreme fatigue. Back then we really knew nothing about MS. I was told by my pediatric neurologist that there would be a cure in 5 years. Yes, he said 5 years! Well, I’m now almost 43 years old and I believe we’re no closer to a cure today as we were back then. I know that is not going to be a very popular statement, but it’s what I believe!  I am healthy and strong right now not because of anything the medical community did for me, but by taking charge of my health, seeking out people, ideas, healthy products and acquiring knowledge of alternatives to stay healthy and not let Multiple Sclerosis control my life.

I want this blog to be a resource for all my MS friends, their family members, or anyone interested in learning more about Multiple Sclerosis or dealing with autoimmune issues. I wasn’t always an advocate for MS, in fact, at times over these past 29 years I’ve felt so out of control with this disease!!!  I feel now after dealing with MS all these years and being in a healthy state of mind, with a healthy lifestyle and a good support group around me, I am hoping to help others. I have been on a journey to learn more about this disease, how we can live with it, treat it, and finally beat it once and for all.

My MS Story Will Provoke….

I know there may be naysayers that will say I’m foolish for thinking we can be healthy and strong with MS. I believe that I have been given this disease and brought along on this journey (and it has been one heck of a journey) to share the things I am going to share with you!

My MS Story Has A Purpose…

I’m not a physician. I’m a human being who has dealt with Multiple Sclerosis and has said there must be a “BETTER WAY.” That there is much more to this disease and recovery than what is standard M.S. protocol.

My heart truly hurts for others that are hurting from MS, to their loved ones, and to those that are taking care of them; as I know the struggles you are having, the ups and downs, trials and errors, the pain and the strength we all must have to endure this disease. My hope is to unite the MS community in an attempt to share knowledge, ideas, that will hopefully lead to a World FREE from MS!

Please enjoy this information and share! I look forward to your feedback!

To our Health!


If you want to learn more about natural, healthy CBD products visit: 

If you want to learn more about the BEST CBD products to help you on your own journey with MS visit: 

You can also follow me on twitter @kelliealderton or my FB page Waking Up From MS where I share insights and information for everyone dealing with MS.

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