Could this be the key to finally beating MS?

Yes, I’m serious. After living with MS over 35 years I thought I knew everything about natural and holistic ways to heal. Especially all things chiropractic, however, I was wrong and frankly; this blew my mind! I only learned about “THIS” 6 years ago although it’s been around for decades.

I’m talking about Atlas Orthogonal?

“Our Atlas” refers to the Atlas vertebra, the first cervical vertebra (C1) located at the top of the spine that supports the head. Atlas Orthogonal (AO) is a chiropractic technique that aims to correct misalignments of the Atlas vertebra using a gentle and precise adjustment method.

The best description I can give you to understand what the Atlas does is to take your thumb and index finger and put them together (that’s about the size of our atlas) now Imagine your head sitting on that. The average weight of a human head is 10-11 lbs. So, you can picture that heavy weight on the atlas and if the atlas is off or shifts in the slightest you will have many physical symptoms and some very serious health problems.

Symptoms of Atlas Misalignment:  Numbness, tingling, neck stiffness, migraines, headaches, dizziness, facial pain, vertigo, ringing in ears, jaw pain, shoulder pain, ankle, hip, knee pain, vagus nerve issues, gait issues, high blood pressure, brain congestion.  See how many of these symptoms mimic MS symptoms?

Atlas Orthogonal can only be performed by chiropractors who have received specialized training in the technique. The Atlas Orthogonal technique uses a percussion instrument to gently adjust the Atlas vertebra without the need for manual manipulation of the neck.

Atlas Orthogonal adjustments have been shown to help improve the quality of life for people with MS.

There are various types of Atlas adjustments, including the traditional manual adjustment, the Atlas Orthogonal technique, and the NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association) technique. However, Atlas Orthogonal is a unique technique that is specifically designed to correct Atlas misalignments. I do prefer the AO technique as it has given the most benefit to myself, my family and many of my friends with MS.

10 ways that Atlas Orthogonal can help people with MS:

  1. Reduce pain: Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help alleviate pain in the neck, back, and other areas of the body that may be affected by MS.
  2. Improve posture: Misalignments of the Atlas vertebra can cause poor posture, which can exacerbate MS symptoms. Correcting Atlas misalignments can help improve posture and reduce symptoms.
  3. Increase range of motion: Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help increase range of motion and flexibility, making it easier to walk, move and perform daily activities.
  4. Improve balance: MS can cause balance problems, but correcting Atlas misalignments can help improve balance and reduce falls. (I have personally witnessed PwMS go in for an adjustment while they used a cane or a walker and walk out normally, unassisted)
  5. Boost immune function: Atlas Orthogonal adjustments have been shown to boost immune function, which can help reduce the severity of MS symptoms.
  6. Enhance nerve function: Misalignments of the Atlas vertebra can interfere with nerve function, but Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help improve nerve function and reduce MS symptoms, such as numbness, tingling, burning sensation.
  7. Reduce inflammation: Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help reduce inflammation in the body, which we know plays a role in the development and progression of MS.
  8. Reduce stress: Chronic stress can worsen MS symptoms, but Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.
  9. Improve sleep: MS can disrupt sleep (unfortunately, this is a big challenge with MS), but Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help improve sleep quality and duration.
  10. Support whole body healing: Atlas Orthogonal adjustments can help support overall health and well-being, which is vital for managing MS and reducing symptoms. When our spine is in alignment our bodily systems, joints and spine can work naturally without undue stress. When your atlas is in alignment, cerebral spinal fluid will increase and help the blood flow around the brain which is key for detoxing.

After reading all of this great information, do you believe that Atlas Orthogonal is the key to beating MS? Whatever you believe, there has to be no doubt about the amazing, life-changing benefits it can give. It should definitely be a part of everyone’s healing journey!

SIGN UP NOW for The Waking Up from MS Newsletter – It’s designed to be an ongoing source of support, inspiration and motivation for those who have made the decision to take control of this disease! I understand how overwhelming this journey can be and the challenges of trying to navigate through all the information can be frustrating. This newsletter will be catered to your needs and interests and provide you with resources, research, and stories of real people who have successfully managed their MS.

If you want to learn about my over 30 year journey living with and beating MS check out my book. Waking Up from MS – My Journey to Health, Healing and Living Symptom Free

To our health!


Extreme Temps and MS

cold weather BABY, It’s Cold Outside!!!!

Can any extreme temperatures cause an MS flare-up? I’m not sure where you’re located, but we’re now in fall but it feels like winter mode for me here in Chicago. That means hat, gloves, scarves, ear muffs, snow pants, boots, you know, anything to beat the extreme cold. “BRRRR, I’m Freezing,” seems to be my go-to words for the past month and will continue until April. For anyone that knows me, Yes, comparisons of Chicago and Antarctica are definitely on my mind!

Were you one of the millions of MS sufferers who were counting down the days for cooler weather?  Me too! Yes, heat and humidity can be very disruptive and cause minor, temporary flare-ups of our MS symptoms during the summer months, but did you know some people also have challenges during the winter months? It’s less common, but still can affect those of us with MS? And here’s another fact, unfortunately some people are affected by both hot and cold. If this is you, I’m sorry that you’re not getting a reprieve.

Many people report worsening of symptoms just as much in the coldest part of winter as they do in the hottest months of summer!  You might be wondering since we can use ice, cold showers, cold compresses or cooling vests to cool down during the summer, why would the cold negatively affect us now, why is this different? The truth is that any drastic changes in temperature either hot or cold can have a negative impact on MS sufferers.

 Things you may experience due to the Cold:

  • Fatigue
  • Spasms
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Balance issues
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Depression

The good news is, just like in summer months, there are things we can do to protect ourselves against the cold.


Make sure your house is properly insulated, check around doors and windows for any pesky drafts, there are plenty of low-cost ways to seal them.  While you’re in, you can use a heating pad, blankets, extra clothing. Some people find warm showers or baths may relieve some of the stiffness, aches, and pains. (Be careful to not become overheated!) You can also warm up with a nice cup of soup, tea or coffee.

If you have to be out in the elements, try layering clothing to keep heat from escaping, protect your head and use hand or feet warmers. Also be sure to use any walking devices or aides to help you outside when your muscles can become stiff or slow to respond. Just like the summer months, it’s very important to stay hydrated, make sure to continue drinking enough water, people tend to think just because it’s cold outside you can’t become dehydrated. Dehydration can also cause or complicate many of the above symptoms.

As I’ve said before, our minds are extremely powerful and I’d like to say it’s as easy as thinking Warm thoughts of summer to beat the cold, but your best line of defense is to be prepared for the elements, listen to your body, and seek assistance if needed.  You can learn more about MS in All About MS and Resources section to help you on your journey! You can check out my new book “Waking Up From MS, My Journey to Health, Healing and Living Symptom Free. It details my almost 30 year journey living with and beating MS.


If you have found this article helpful please share. As always, I look forward to and appreciate your feedback!

To our health!


If you want to learn more about natural, healthy CBD products visit: 

If you want to learn more about the BEST CBD products to help you on your own journey with MS visit: 

You can also follow me on twitter @kelliealderton or my FB page Waking Up From MS where I share insights and information for everyone dealing with MS.

You can also listen to my radio show on – “Live in Hope, Focus on Healing” – every Sunday at 3:30pm, est

Waking Up From MS – My Journey to Health, Healing and Living Symptom Free!

Waking Up From MS – My Journey to Health, Healing, and Living Symptom Free! Waking Up From MS

It took me five years and thousands of hours to put together my book – “Waking Up From MS – My Journey to Health, Healing, and Living Symptom-Free,” I wanted it to be a balanced, informative, uplifting story about my almost 30-year journey with MS. From diagnosis at the age of 17 in 1988, going with traditional MS protocols that kept me sick and with no quality of life with the rollercoaster of MS symptoms and treatments, to 2001 when I turned to holistic and alternative therapies to turn my disease around! I believe it saved my life.

I’m symptom-free, healthy and strong. I hope my book can be a stepping stone to others with MS for encouragement, inspiration, and new ideas perhaps you haven’t heard of!

Are you open to new ideas, and even new ways of thinking about your journey with Multiple Sclerosis?


To our health!

Kellie Alderton 

If you want to learn more about natural, healthy CBD products visit: 

If you want to learn more about the BEST CBD products to help you on your own journey with MS visit: 

You can also follow me on twitter @kelliealderton or my FB page Waking Up From MS where I share insights and information for everyone dealing with MS.




Air Pollution and Multiple Sclerosis?

Is there a direct link with Air Pollution and Multiple Sclerosis?


Can Air Pollution cause MS or cause our flare-ups?Air Pollution

I’ve lived with MS for almost 30 years and as many of my fellow MS sufferers, I’m always looking at ways to lessen exposures to toxins, what can cause exacerbations, or what might be at the root cause of this life changing disease.  One thing I’ve studied for many years is indoor air quality and products that could help me achieve clean air in different environments. Anyone wanting a healthier life must also be mindful of what we breathe. The air outside and indoors is packed with harmful toxins and chemicals that can affect our health, our central nervous system, and especially our MS.

A report from the Journal of Toxicology in 2012,  showed that Air pollution can affect the central nervous system and can damage brain structures or lead to a predisposition to neurological diseases. With air pollution, there is a direct attack on our Central Nervous System and that can start the demyelinating process. As any MS sufferer knows, when the myelin is broken down and stripped away, we have challenges like Multiple Sclerosis. You can investigate all about MS, it’s signs, and symptoms here.

Air pollution should be a major concern for everyone.  There are many industries at fault for polluting the air – think about the companies with big smokestacks pouring polluted air out over the skyline on a daily basis, we see all the cars and trucks on the roads. There’s radon, carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), we even have air pollution from chemical pesticides like Roundup – from the ever dangerous Monsanto – being used on a daily basis that is causing many of our air quality issues.

Yes, Outdoor air pollution is a major health concern, but an even bigger concern for us is our indoor air quality.  The EPA estimated that we spend about 90% of our time indoors (think about the kids playing video games, being on the computer, everyone is on their phones, watching more tv – like no other time in history.) Indoor air quality can be up to 5 times more harmful than outdoor air due to mold, mildew, dust mites, off-gassing from paints, carpets, wood floors, granite countertops, furniture made from pressed or particle board,  radon,  air fresheners, candles, laundry detergent, fabric softeners and sheets, household chemicals and cleaning agents, even personal care products.  Homes are built so efficiently now that they trap all the chemicals inside, so there’s no escaping the constant bombardment of these toxins.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) indoor air pollution and air quality are listed as two of the world’s worst toxic pollution problems.  In 2014 air pollution caused the deaths of around 7 million people worldwide. People of all ages living in high pollution areas are at increased risk of different neurological disorders.  Again, Air pollution is known to cause damage to the Central Nervous System by altering the blood-brain barrier and can start the demyelinating process.

The good news is that we can protect ourselves from many forms of Air Pollution: Air Pollution

1 – Get a whole-home air purifier.  I’ve been using an air purifier since 2001. I also use one when I travel, for the car, on airplanes and especially in hotel rooms.

2 – Use a HEPA vacuum cleaner that will prevent the spreading of pollutants each time you vacuum – (which needs to be on a regular basis to also help your air quality.)

2 – Use organic or all natural cleaning products.

3 – Use Low VOC or no VOC paints.

4 – Use organic personal care items like shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, lotion, deodorant.

4 – Buy Air purifying plants – According to NASA – Bamboo Palm, English Ivy, Gerber Daisy, Snake Plant, Chrysanthemum, Ficus, Azalea, Aloe Vera, Philodendron.

5 – Change Heating and Air conditioning filters frequently.

6 – Stop smoking and don’t allow smoking around you or in your home/car.

7 – Stop using aerosol sprays.

8 – Air out clothing received from dry cleaners.    Air Pollution


When I started on my journey to beat MS in 2001, I looked at the body as a whole. We must look at what we breathe, what we eat, what we absorb, even how we think. The mind, body, spirit connection to our healing is key. Thre isn’t one specific thing that gave us MS and we must look at a culmination of different ideas and techniques for us to heal.  Air quality if one part of our health that we must understand in order to focus on lessening our toxic load in our air to help our immune system, our central nervous system, and inevitably our MS.

Decide what ways you’re going to start cleaning up your air now so you and your family can breathe easy!

If you’re looking for more holistic and natural ways to beat your MS, you’ll want to check out my book “Waking Up From MS – My Journey to Health, Healing, and Living Symptom-Free.” It details my almost 30-year journey with MS and how I am now healthy, strong and symptom-free!



To our health!

Kellie Alderton

If you want to learn more about natural, healthy CBD products visit: 

If you want to learn more about healthy living and green technologies, check out my products page at

You can also follow me on twitter @kelliealderton or my FB page Waking Up From MS where I share insights and information for everyone dealing with MS.



If you can’t stand the HEAT, get out of the….

HEATIf you can’t stand the HEAT – Get out of the….

Although I’d like to say for us MSers that taking care of any heat issues we have during the summer months is as easy as staying out of the kitchen, that, of course, is not the issue. Many people talk about summer fun, hanging outside all day in the heat and sun while they happily get that baked to a crisp tan.  However, for people living with MS, we have a totally different position on the heat! In fact, anyone with Multiple Sclerosis that hears that single word “HEAT” could become anxious due to challenges the HEAT can pose for us.

Yes, preparing for the HEAT is serious business!

Truth be told, many of us begin in the winter months preparing for the summer! Yes, you read that correctly, in the dead of winter, we can start preparing for the upcoming summer. We focus on making sure the air conditioner is in tip-top shape, window treatments give maximum protection from the elements, we get cooling vests, head protection, travel to cooler climates and anything else we can do to make sure we are staying cool.

How do we deal with MS during the summer months?

I was always mindful of the heat. My MS Story may not be different than yours as heat intolerance was always the one thing that seemed to get me, that was before I became symptom-free. My head use to feel like it was baking…literally from the inside out, I would feel tingling, even some numbness. So I understand first hand why this is one topic that we need to not only prepare for, but share the info so others do not have to suffer!

Things you may experience when you are suffering from Heat Exposure:

1 – Dizziness

2 – Immediate onset of fatigue – (Almost as though somebody burst your energy bubble)

3 – Blurred Vision

4 – Shakiness or Tremors

5 – Numbness and tingling in limbs

6 – Decrease in your cognitive function (You knew you were smarter or more clear-headed before you got into that sun, sauna, or hot shower, right?)

An interesting fact about the heat and Multiple Sclerosis is that yes, it can cause us to have symptoms that either appear or start to get worse during heat exposure. It does not cause any long-term inflammation or lesions which is great news, but we still need to think about ways to stay cool and get over the immediate effects of the heat. And for most people, once they are removed from the heat their body will return to how they felt before going out in the elements.


Some “COOL” ways to beat the HEAT:  HEAT

1 – Air conditioning.

2 – Cooling Products – You can Google it, there are dozens to choose from. There are also things you can do – soak a sponge in water, freeze and then put in a freezer bag, this stays cool for a long time and is very inexpensive. Get a cooling towel or cooling wrist bands. Contact the MS Society they have cooling programs in place too.

3 – Get into a cool bath/shower, swimming pool, or if you’re lucky enough to be by a lake or ocean – jump on in.

4 – Misting Fans.

5 – Stay hydrated by drinking cool beverages – obviously water is the best choice. This will go to your core and immediately go to work on lowering your overall temperature.

6 – Keep covered when in the sun. By wearing a hat during the summer (before I was symptom-free) it gave me more time to be outside before the heat would affect me.

7 – Eat foods that are cool – fruits, veggies, salads. Healthy icees made from real food, not stuff packed with sugar (that can also cause fatigue).

8 – If exercising in the summer, workout later in the evening or earlier in the morning – making sure to stay hydrated.

I would like to say it’s as easy as thinking cool thoughts, but the best thing you can do to beat the heat is by staying prepared at all times and really listen to your body! HEAT

Now, I do recommend that we get outside in the sun each morning, if possible, for 10-20 minutes to get the Vitamin D benefits from the sun.  It’s important to optimize our Vitamin D levels to stop inflammation, build our immunity, fight flare-ups and it can even keep us from having further issues with MS.

The good news is you can still have an enjoyable summer, even with the HEAT, if you stay prepared!

If you’d like to learn ways to deal with your MS in more natural and holistic ways, check out my book “Waking Up From MS – My Journey to Health, Healing, and Living Symptom-Free.” It is a roadmap to all the things I’ve done to become healthy and symptom-free on my over 30-year journey living with MS. If you want to learn more about my decision to add CBD to my healthy lifestyle and why it’s an important supplement for any person living with MS, please reach out to me or visit:



To Our Health!

Kellie Alderton


You can also follow me on my FB page Waking Up From MS where I share insights and information for everyone dealing with MS.

If you want to learn more about the BEST CBD products to help you on your own journey with MS visit: 

Are you jumping on the “Grounding” bandwagon?

Grounding for LIFE!

When I say, “Grounding” am I bringing back childhood memories of being grounded or perhaps, for us parents, something we’ve had to say now and again to our kiddos? Well, No, I’m actually talking about Grounding, also known as Earthing. It can be the basis of restoring our health and vitality.

This concept, of course, is something that has been done since the beginning of time. The practice involves the connection between our body to the Earth’s surface energy by standing, walking, sitting or even sleeping outside. Grounding actually changes our bodies physiology at the cellular level. You can also use a grounding mat while indoors to get the same effect. Our body is able to absorb the electrical charges from the earth!

Grounding is a simple concept of us getting back to nature, getting back to our purest energy, and our connection with the Earth.

When you think about it, the further we get from nature and our soul’s connection to its natural healing properties the more health challenges society seems to have. Unlike any time in history, we are being bombarded by electro-pollution and EMF’s. We are affected every minute of every day via cell phones, computers, tv’s, microwaves, electrical appliances, power lines, cell towers.

Grounding brings us back in balance!Grounding

Reactions from grounding can vary from person to person. Some may notice a difference immediately and others may take a few days or even weeks.  In studies, it seems that people with the worst inflammation will notice the biggest difference from grounding.

Benefits of Grounding: Lessens pain and inflammation, Reduces stress, Increases energy, Improves blood pressure, Increases circulation, Helps restore restful sleep, Relieves muscle tension and headaches, Helps adrenal fatigue, Anxiety, and Depression.

Grounding is my new “go to” self-help treatment. I absolutely love it. Every morning I get outside for at least 20 minutes and walk in the grass, it’s energizing and really evokes a sense of peace and centeredness. This is also a great time to soak up that Vitamin D from the sun so you’re going to have compounding health benefits. Grounding is also an important thing to do with our children – they are getting hit with the same type of electro-pollution, maybe even moreso than some adults. (If we want to be healthy, it’s important to look at many different ways to lessen the toxic load our bodies endure each day)

How long does it take? Well, some people report feeling better after just 20 minutes and grounding/earthing research has shown physiological changes and significant improvements in the body’s electrical activity after 30 to 40 minutes.*

The good news is that Grounding is so simple, everyone can do it. Just go outside barefoot and get in the grass, dirt, sand or even concrete (wet).


If you can’t get outside, I recommend grounding mats – there’s many to choose from and you can use it in bed, at the computer, even in the office.  Grounding/Earthing is a simple way to lessen inflammation, help you get more centered, balanced, and another thing you can do to restore or maintain your healthy lifestyle, give it a try right away!

If you want to learn more ways to restore your health and vitality especially while living with Multiple Sclerosis, check out my book,  “Waking Up From MS – My Journey to Health, Healing and Living Symptom Free” – It covers my almost 30 year journey living with MS and how I am now living symptom free, healthy and strong.


To our health!

Kellie Alderton


If you want to learn more about healthy living and green technologies, check out my products page at 

You can also follow me on my FB page Waking Up From MS where I share insights and information for everyone dealing with MS.



* Info from

Massage Therapy For Multiple Sclerosis


Massage Therapy Benefits for Multiple Sclerosis

Have you tried massage therapy for dealing with your Multiple Sclerosis?

In my book “Waking Up From MS – My Journey To Health, Healing, and Living Symptom Free – I have a chapter focused on “Creating The Best Body.” In that chapter I look at many different therapies to ensure our health and healing. In my almost 30 years of living with MS, I’ve turned to chiropractic care, acupuncture, mediation and mindfulness, exercise, and one of the most enjoyable treatments I’ve used is Massage Therapy. On this journey to heal my body from the devastating affects of MS, I have sought out many alternative and holistic treatments that could repair my body on the cellular level without drugs.  Massage Therapy

The most common types of massage:

  • Swedish Massage – This is a gentle form of massage that uses long strokes, kneading, deep circular movements, vibration and tapping to help relax and energize you. (I prefer Swedish massage as I find it to be the most relaxing)
  • Deep-tissue massage – This massage technique uses slower, more forceful strokes to target the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. I always hated the deep tissue massage, I’m all about relaxation!
  • Sports Massage – This is similar to Swedish massage, but is geared toward people involved in sporting activities. This can be used to help prevent or treat injuries. Many people use it to prepare themselves for sporting events.
  • Shiatsu – This massage technique uses fingers, hands, and elbows. This type of massage is used to stimulate different acupressure points throughout the body, it also helps with the flow of energy. No oil is used so people can remain fully clothed. (loose clothing is best)
  • Reflexology –  This involves applying pressure to the hands, feet or ears to produce changes in areas that are connected to specific body parts and organs. Applying pressure to any of the reflex areas, will remove energy blockages and promote health, and healing in the related body parts and organs.
  • Myofascial Release –  This technique involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue (trigger points) in the body to eliminate pain, loosen muscles, and restore range of motion.
  • Raindrop Technique – The Raindrop is a technique developed by Gary Young, the founder of Young Living Essential Oils, which is an application of highly antimicrobial essential oils directly to the spine with effleurage (finger stroking) techniques to distribute healing energy throughout the body.


Massage Therapy has many physical benefits. It will boost your immune system, calm the nervous system, lower blood pressure, slow respiration, reduce chronic pain, loosen tight muscles, stretch connective tissue, increase red blood cell count, improve muscle tone, speed-up recovery from injury, reduce tension headaches, increase tissue metabolism, decrease muscle deterioration, speed recovery from illness, increase range of motion, speed elimination of metabolic waste, increase blood and lymph circulation, stimulate release of endorphins, reduce swelling, improve posture, and improve skin tone.


Massage Therapy has many mental and emotional benefits. It will reduce stress, improve sleep quality, improve productivity, induce mental relaxation, improve concentration, reduce anxiety, enhance self-image, provide a sense of well-being and nurture emotional growth. This is something that all MS sufferers must be mindful of as our mental and emotional health goes hand in hand, many times, with our disease activity.  Massage Therapy

I absolutely love Myofascial Release in tandem with a Swedish massage. I recommend getting massage therapy at least twice a month. I noticed benefits from my massage therapy right away. It gave me a sense of calm and peace, but at the same time it’s invigorating since it helps circulation and blood flow throughout the body. Remember, on this journey with MS we must stay focused on healing, repairing, and restoring our bodies. Anything we can do that will lessen inflammation and help build our immune system will have lasting affects.

Massage Therapy gives physical, mental, and emotional benefits. As you see from the list above, you have many different massage therapy options and your massage therapist can help find the one that’s right for you and also help you deal with whatever health challenges that come up due to your MS. Check out my MS Resources page to learn more about important health related information.

I always say, our mind, body and spirits are connected and we must focus on each of those areas to take back our health. We have plenty of tools and resources to help us on our journey. Massage Therapy is one way to get you on the path to health and healing.


To Our health!

Kellie Alderton


If you want to learn more about healthy living and green technologies, check out my products page at

You can also follow me on twitter @kelliealderton or my FB page Waking Up From MS where I share insights and information for everyone dealing with MS.





Benefits Of Holistic Dentistry

Holistic/Biological Dentistry

Have you looked into holistic dentistry as part of your healthy lifestyle? I don’t know if you’re like me, but after living with Multiple Sclerosis for almost 3 decades, I decided that I must, not only figure out this disease, but I must learn, study, and investigate every possible facet to healthy living and MS.

I never knew about holistic/biological dentistry and how it focuses on natural and organic ways to deal with the health of your teeth, mouth, and body. I’ve consistently had challenges with my teeth since I was a teenager. In fact, my dentist at the time was obsessed with ROOT CANALS. (Yes, obsessed.)  And we now understand the science behind root canals and that it could negatively affect our overall oral and physical well-being. Some doctors, dentists, and scientists think it’s almost a guarantee of some type of illness or disease – so it’s worth investigating. Now, when I say my Dentist was “obsessed,” I’ll explain. My sister and I were each given 4 root canals.  As many of you know from my blog and my newly published book “Waking Up From MS – My Journey to Health, Healing and Living Symptom Free”, that both myself and my twin sister Kim were diagnosed as teenagers with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis.  And we wondered if those procedures could have been a part of our long history with MS? You can learn more about my sister and me in MS and the Mind.

Holistic Dentistry and Healthy 

Living go hand in hand! 

My best friend told me about a wonderful, local, holistic dentist. Since I was focusing now solely on holistic and alternative therapies to heal, I went with an open mind and literally an open mouth. We now understand the direct correlation with oral health and lifelong health. Many diseases and illnesses can start in the mouth.

holisitic dentistry


Benefits of Holistic Dentistry:

– They take a Whole Body approach to our care, it’s not solely focused on our teeth. They focus on the mind, body, and spirit. (Wow, I’ve preached for years how we must focus on a whole body approach to healing our MS.)

– They understand that each tooth is related to an acupuncture meridian that directly relates to various organs, glands, and systems in our body. An experienced dentist can assess your overall health by studying your tooth health.

– They use materials that are biocompatible to your body. (I had biocompatibility testing done to ensure I wasn’t allergic or had sensitivities to any of the products the dentist would be using on me.) After that testing, we learned that most of the things in my mouth through previous dental procedures I was allergic or sensitive to. That was an eye-opener!

– Holistic dentists believe in doing everything possible to support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. (Again, this was another point I have always believed. That every “body” can be healthy if you give it the right tools to do so.)

– They believe in natural or holistic solutions for things like Root Canals.

– They don’t use Fluoride, ever. Which is a known carcinogen and neurotoxin.

I highly recommend going to a holistic dentist as soon as possible, check it out and see if you think it will be a benefit to you and your family. Simply Google “holistic/biological dentistry” in your area. Checkout my MS Resources & Links page for further information about different providers. Remember, in this journey with MS we must look at many different areas for our healing. One thing didn’t give us MS, and it won’t be one single thing to heal. It’s important to focus on a whole body approach – mind, body, and spirit.

If you’re interested in understanding more about MS and how to heal naturally, check out my book – “Waking Up From MS – My Journey To Health, Healing, and Living Symptom Free.

To our Health!


If you want to learn more about healthy living and green technologies, check out my products page at

You can also follow me on twitter @kelliealderton or my FB page Waking Up From MS where I share insights and information for everyone dealing with MS.


book cover 1

Multiple Sclerosis can be a scary and unpredictable journey.  There are many trials and tribulations for each of us affected with this disease. After living with MS for many years with little hope of being truly healthy, my eyes and mind were open to the possibility of a total transformation of not only my health, but in every way I thought about MS.

It’s with excitement, gratitude, and humility I am happy to announce that my book “Waking Up from MS – My Journey to Health, Healing and Living Symptom Free” is finally available on Amazon.

This book details my almost 30-year journey with Multiple Sclerosis from my diagnosis at the age of 17 to now living symptom free at the age of 46.

This is more than a book about MS, it’s a book about how the mind, body, and spirit are connected and how we must focus on each area if we want to be truly healthy, whether you are living with a condition like MS or not.

My book covers holistic and alternative therapies that I used every day to heal my body. I want my book to take you on your own journey. I want it to be thought provoking and inspiring for everyone who reads it.

Please share with your MS family and friends or their caretakers!  

To our health!

Kellie Alderton 


If you want to learn more about healthy living and green technologies, check out my products page at

You can also follow me on twitter @kelliealderton or my FB page Waking Up From MS where I share insights and information for everyone dealing with MS.



Is this the Multiple Sclerosis Miracle?

Vitamin D – Is it the Multiple Sclerosis Miracle?

Vitamin D may be one of the most important nutrients to heal our bodies, not just from auto immune issues like Multiple Sclerosis but even cancers. Vitamin D deficiencies run rampant now – especially in Americans. It’s interesting that Auto Immune diseases, illness and cancers do too. Vitamin D levels are steadily declining, specifically in the U.S., as children and adults spend less time outdoors.



Studies conducted by researchers at the University of Oxford and another conducted at the New Jersey Medical School and even the Mayo Clinic have suggested that maintaining adequate levels of Vitamin D may have a protective effect and lower the risk of developing Multiple Sclerosis. Vitamin D may even lessen the frequency and severity of our MS Symptoms. When you’re having an exacerbation, your Vitamin D levels may be almost non-existent! Of course more research is needed to assess these findings, but I believe what’s been revealed is groundbreaking and as research continues around the world I grow more hopeful and optimistic each and every day about its benefits to the MS community! When Vitamin D levels are optimized it may help prevent many types of Cancers,  Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes,  Osteoporosis, Infections, Rheumatoid Arthritis. Any doctor can order a Vitamin D level test and it’s important to find out where you are currently so that you have a reference point in tracking your levels. Screening for vitamin D deficiency is especially important for African-Americans and other ethnic groups with dark skin, due to the decreased natural production of Vitamin D from sun exposure.


The link between Vitamin D and MS is strengthened by the association between sunlight and the risk of MS. The farther away we are from the equator, the higher the risk of MS. Sunlight is the body’s most efficient source of Vitamin D. An effective way to get your D levels up is spending 10-15 minutes a day (mornings are best) in direct sunlight with the least amount of clothing on.  The more skin exposure the more D that is produced. Don’t worry about staying out longer thinking that you’ll get more D, that’s not how the body works.


Supplementing your Vitamin D is very important and can be a great benefit. The Mayo Clinic and even in Swedish studies they’ve shown that the recommended daily allowances are nowhere near the levels we need if we are to combat Multiple Sclerosis and other illnesses. I take 8000 IU’s a day of Vitamin D3 with K2. During the summer months, I take 4000 IU’s. You can also do your own research at the Mayo Clinic website as they have a reference guide for Vitamin D dosing correlated to your specific disease or symptoms. (As always talk with your trusted health care provider before starting any type of supplement.)1537562-daily-vitamins-on-a-white-background-fill-the-shot


The more I research, the more amazed I become! This is just the tip of the iceberg as to how AWESOME Vitamin D is for our bodies, our immune systems, and especially our Multiple Sclerosis!

If you’re interested in learning natural ways to beat MS, check out my book  “Waking Up From MS – My Journey to Health, Healing, and Living SymptomFree.”



To Our Health!


If you want to learn more about healthy living and green technologies, check out my products page at

You can also follow me on twitter @kelliealderton or my FB page Waking Up From MS where I share insights and information for everyone dealing with MS.




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